Agenda Item: Reducing the effects of the colonial legacy and eliminating the economic and social disparities resulting from colonialism

Agenda Item: Freedom of the Press and Fight Against Misinformation

The Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL), also known as the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, which was established in 1993 regards the wide range of political issues, including UN peacekeeping, peaceful uses of outer space, and decolonization. In MESMUN’24 our esteemed delegates will initially address the agenda concerning “Reducing the effects of the colonial legacy and eliminating the economic and social disparities resulting from colonialism”. The effects of the legacy of colonialism became evident on the world political scene towards the end of the 19th century. The rivalry between major powers, colonial expansion and hunger for resources led to increasing international tension. While history reveals the dynamics and effects behind this significant transformation, the traces of the colonial legacy continue even today. Once the first agenda item is concluded, the committee will proceed with the second agenda focused on “Freedom of the press, fight against misinformation” that underscores the committee’s commitment to navigating the complexities surrounding media freedom and addressing the challenges posed by the spread of misinformation. The forthcoming discussions aim to deepen the understanding of these involved dynamics and foster the formulation of well-informed strategies to address the evolving landscape of media and information dissemination within the context of international affairs.